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Infertility Treatment
Donor Oocytes

Egg donation is a form of ART (assisted reproductive technology) in which eggs are retrieved from a healthy woman and donated to a woman with infertility, enabling her to conceive. A person who donates their eggs is the donor, while the person receiving the donor eggs is the recipient.

Choosing to utilize an egg donor during your infertility journey is a decision that should be carefully thought out and discussed with your provider, to determine if it is the best course of treatment.

There are several reasons why couples choose to use donor eggs:

  • Failed IVF Cycles
  • Age
  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve
  • Fertility Limiting Cancer Treatments
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Same sex couples

If you and your provider choose to move forward with egg donation, it is important to decide which form of egg donation to proceed with.

  • Known Donor
    • With a known donor, the couple knows the person donating their eggs. This is often a friend or relative.
    • It is important that all parties have in depth discussions about this choice, as well as consult a lawyer to cover the legalities.
    • The donor will be screened by a psychologist as well as have genetic screening and bloodwork to evaluate ovarian reserve in order to be approved by your provider.
    • If you choose to do a fresh cycle with a known donor, it’s important to note that cycles and schedules must line up correctly. The donor will be prescribed hormones, causing her to grow multiple eggs that will be used for fertilization. In addition, the recipient will be on a separate set of medications (including downregulation and progesterone) to prepare the body for embryo implantation. Due to the approval process, scheduling and syncing of cycles may take additional time.
  • Anonymous Donor
    • When choosing an anonymous donor, you are choosing a donor from a third-party agency where the identity of the donor is completely confidential. Buffalo IVF works with Donor Egg Bank USA & Fairfax Egg Bank.
    • Through these Egg Banks, you can choose a donor based on genetic history, physical characteristics and photographs.
    • Using an anonymous egg donor allows for additional flexibility. Because the donor has been thoroughly screened, and eggs have been frozen, you may choose to go through IVF treatment at a time that is convenient for you.

In the last 5 years, the technology around egg vitrification (or egg freezing) has increased tremendously. Therefore, the success rates utilizing donor eggs make this choice a viable option.

It’s best to speak one on one with your provider and egg donation specialists, at Buffalo IVF, to determine if egg donation is the best course of treatment for you. We know there are many things to take into consideration when undergoing treatment. Rest assured, Buffalo IVF will be with you every step of the way.


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